Open Letter to the Leaders of the World, Specifically Israel, Iran, and the U.S.

Dear national leaders,
For the purposes of this letter, I will let you know that I am an Iranian-American.  My mom is from the U.S., and my dad is Iranian; I grew up in the U.S., but I have a lot of family in both Iran, America, and in other countries across the globe.
I am writing to let you know the gravity of the critical point that we, as a global people, are approaching.  The news has been filled with reports of tensions growing between Israel, Iran, and the U.S.  Is it too much to ask for a government to set aside its economic concerns for just a moment to understand the meaning that our actions have? I understand that between these three countries there are many complex issues that are at play, and that current and historical transgressions only make the situation worse.  I fully understand that national security must be maintained - a country exists to protect its residents and make life better for anyone who lives there.  

Iran, your people are wonderful, you have an extremely well-educated and talented population, but when you stifle creativity and suppress the freedoms that all people should enjoy (speech, religion, political, gender equality), you hinder the amazing potential that exist within your borders. Do not jail your people for speaking against the current government, for it results from your lack of honesty.  Protests ensue because of voting fraud and when you continually disregard your population’s requests you bring yourself closer to a tipping point of a new revolution.  

Israel, when you create a clear dislike for the Palestinians, you create hatred towards yourself.  You must be aware that your country is home to a variety of holy sites, sacred to many different people, with that privilege comes responsibility.  It is your responsibility to ensure that all are treated equal no matter their background, this means that your tight control over the Gaza strip must be relinquished, it is your responsibility to end the conflict peacefully.  If the conflict between Israel and Palestine  does not end using peaceful measures with equality in mind, the problem will just keep coming back.  

United States of America, you must stop imposing sanctions on Iran.  Sanctions do not have any effect except to limit the resources of the common man, and you are just hurting the country’s people.  You must realize that your past with Iran limits the trust that they will put in you, and the tax dollars that you pour into Israel does not help the situation any.  Instead of spending only 4.4% of tax dollars on education and 42.2% on military expenditures, switch these percentages; focus internally to better the lives of those that you hold most dear, your American citizens. (CNBC)
At this moment, set aside all past encounters with each other, let go of any wrong that has been committed against you, cleanse yourself of all hatred toward those who you disagree with, release the word enemy and hate from your mind, forgive.  It is time for us to move forward together and set aside our differences.

In essence, what really makes us different: our finances, weaponry, language, beliefs?  Instead, focus on what unites us: the fact that we are one human race, we are sentient and strive to be happy.  As  individuals, we have no right to limit another’s happiness and opportunity, and this idea should be applied on a global scale; as a country we have no right to limit the opportunities and happiness of another nation.
Love is the most powerful word, but it is not only to be used in speech, but exhibited in our actions and spread across the world.  Power is meaningless, instead of living for greed and control of resources, live for each other.  A nation’s actions effect people for not only a lifetime but generations, understand that positive actions will not go unnoticed, and compassion is endless. Mistakes have been made in the past, people have been hurt on all sides, but what is important is that all countries have learned from them, and from now on, we move forward into a violence free world.  Do not argue that this call to action is unrealistic - you only think this because you do not understand the awesome power of love and the peace and harmony it brings.  The journey to peace is not easy, but every ounce of your being should be invested to this goal.
Learn from this, your actions are not localized, they effect every living thing.

-Words to Live By


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